MOUNTAIN BIKING: Moore Park Trail Network



A growing network of purposely built mountain bike trails(although there are quite a few hikers and <br />
runners on them, so be aware). If starting at the gravel TH, head north from parking lot and around green <br />
gate. Trails branch from this main gravel road on the right and left. A map is available from Hutch's Bike <br />
shop on Klamath Ave.<br />
<br />
A good route is: Just before green gate, take a right which drops down and parallels the powerline. This is <br />
Autobahn. Continue towards lake and Sidewinder is on the left. This skirts the side of the hill facing the <br />
lake/park. Continue across intersection on to Ratcamp. This climbs back to the main gravel road. Cross it <br />
and drop down to Blueberry. Climb to pavement. Take first right and climb up Linda's (switchback loop on <br />
left). Take Second right onto old skidder trail. After ~1mile look for trail on left that cuts back south up <br />
the hill. This is Buzzard. Climb to top of ridge. Make left. Hot Lava to Ridge trail. These ride the ridge back <br />
to where skidder trail broke off, shortly after skidder trail heading down hill Mudd's will be on your left. <br />
Take Mudd's to 5 gal. to The Last Gallon. This will spit you out at a 5 way intersection. 3 of the trails will <br />
spit you out in the park, two climb back to 5 Gallon. From park, head back gravel road to car. Many trails <br />
can be added/cut to this route to make it longer/shorter.


- From 97 north or south, take the Oregon Ave./Lakeshore Dr. exit and go right from exit. Moore park will be <br /><br />on your left after ~1mile.<br /><br />- 97 north or south take the downtown exit. Turn West on Main St. After bridge across river, road will curve <br /><br />to the left, continue straight and climb hill. At stop sign, turn right, gravel trailhead will be on right.